
Friday, July 22, 2011

Why I Must Learn to Trim My Own?

Two months ago I pulled out a pair of shears from the 99-cent store and bravely began to chop off three inches of damaged hair. My hair was full of knots, and brittle parts, it was snapping off in the shower. Everywhere I went there was a trail of hair left behind like Hansel and Gretel breadcrumbs. Frustration was mounting, with each shed or broken hair. Now I have begun to pull together regiments that I can be proud of. I am in the driver’s seat of my hair growth and retention journey. Now it is time to take hair trimming seriously. One day I hope to be able to regularly trim and cut my own hair. It has taken so much effort to grow the healthy hair on my head, that I am not willing to risk a stylist chopping it all off on a whim.
Shower Steaming

When we work hard to achieve something so elusive as growing a head of long beautiful hair against seemingly insurmountable odds, there is an emotional attachment. This is not just hair, this is hours of cooking up home made flax seed gel, blogging with Internet friends, protective hairstyling, making my own shea butter mix, and using the Kimmaytube conditioner.  This is scalp massage, Oh ValeriesMonCheries potion, the grow 3 inches in 7 weeks challenge, knowing what the PH is. How can I convey that I close all the windows in the bathroom, and turn on the hot shower because I do not own a Huetiful hair steamer? The moment I began bending over the bathroom floor scavenging for hairs so that I could meticulously smooth them was based upon an epiphany. Secretly, I am contemplating purchasing a powerful magnifier so that I can really check the hair bulb.  Whenever I go to a crowded place I search the crowd for the best natural hairstyles, then break my neck getting pictures of them. Each time I detangle, I collect my hair in a ball so that I can compare the size of the shed hairball to last weeks. I was at a jazz concert, and saw a hairstyle that I must try, so I walked up to this diva and asked her if I could take a picture of her hair. She smiled until I asked her to turn around so that I could get the back. There have been so many twist and turns on this journey, sometimes hair growth, and sometimes retention. My edges are full of newly grown hair, and the middle of my head has filled in nicely. 
Weekly Hairball Check
The wielding of the comb is a hair person's resume. It tells us the level of experience. How many teeth are in the comb, and what technique is used upon a tangle. If we hear a crackle, see a jerk, or tug, you have just been placed in a starting position on the hair manipulation hierarchy. We are eagerly scanning for a ripping motion. Do not be alarmed if all conversation pauses for a moment in our exuberance. Hair care is our sport, and we are its fans. There is the gentle coaxing technique, the long stroke, finger massaging, wet combing, moist combing, and oil combing.

How can one explain the first day gently combed? After watching several you tube videos of ladies combing their hair, I got it. First of all take a breath. Our shoulders lift as we get into position. Then we place the comb in the hair, with the thumb upon the strands, the other hand holds the hair, slide the combs ever so tenderly, chased by the other hand. Simultaneously, we slowly exhale; our mind is fully engaged in the task. We are ever conscious of the texture, and prepared to stop at the slightest tangle. The ears are alert for the sound of a crackle. The eyes roll up as we envision the hair of our dreams. A feeling of hair worth matriculated. In the end I could feel the difference in my own touch. The energy of a million hair gurus was inside of me. The rhythm of hair caressed with a finger. The power in knowing exactly when to comb, condition, and let be, cumulated in gentle combing. The visual/tactile message that there is something precious here slowly conveyed from heart to hair. Anyone present could sense the holiness of this moment.
Moist Combing

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