
Friday, July 22, 2011

A Good Pair of Scissors is Hard to Find

The first thing I need to do a good trim is a pair of scissors. It is time to proceed to the next leg of my journey. While studying my choices on the web, there is a barrage of information. The occasional warning that a bad pair of scissors will result in ripped hair and a head full of spilt ends. A comment so terrifying it stirs me to proceed with caution toward the knife. At the end of the day, this should improve the quality, reduce the amount of moisturizer, ease styling, and improve the look of the hair. With full awareness that cutting hair is counter intuitive to growing hair, it feels like the right choice at this time.

Firstly I must choose German or Japanese style shears. The German design is a razor sharp instrument, which requires skill. The hairs can avoid the blade creating a condition known as chasing the hair. Chasing the hair results in an uneven cut. The benefit of the German blade is that it is a study tool that with proper maintenance will last a lifetime. Japanese blades use convex techniques akin to micro serration, in order to catch each hair in the blade for a smooth cut. The detriment to Japanese blades is that they are fragile; any mistake like accidentally dropping them, and the blade can be permanently ruined. Deciding between the long lasting German blade, (which requires a learning curve), and the ease of use in the Japanese blade, (easily damaged)

 Here is an annalistic of how I plan to use this pair of shears. I am interested in performing search and destroy hair trimming instead of precision haircuts. It occurs to me that hair chasing would probably be encountered more so while trying to cut a hairstyle. Simultaneously, I am concerned that I might not understand enough about shears to know if I damaged a pair. Simple deduction has gotten me to understand that I want a pair of German designed shears because my main desire is to have a pair of shears that I can rely upon to be sharp. 

Secondly, being a fashion werewolf, Neiman Marcus last call sale is my full moon; I am concerned with the cuteness of the shears. The minute I realized shears cost more than five dollars, I wanted them to look good. My mind is thinking of all sorts of cute things I can do to dress up my shears, while maintaining functionality. Drab silver is out, there are pretty coatings, and swivel handles, even sparkles. Of course, I want the best pair in my price range, but preference will be provided to the cutest best pair.

Finally, I get to the meat of the issue. The feel of the pair of scissors in my hand is most important. A clean smooth cutting motion is a high priority. Perhaps a feather light pair of shears is better. Still deciding upon the best blade length for a clean cut. Sharp shears that feel awkward could cause a setback. Imagine accidentally sniping off a chunk of hair because the blade slipped.

Now I have figured out what I want. I am interested in a pair of razor sharp German style shears that are cute, and fit my hand perfectly. Hopefully I will find my set soon. I want to do a protective twist style after I deep condition, and would like to use those twist to practice some trimming. There are a variety of techniques out there. Over a period of trying them all; the best one should reveal itself. Just thinking about having a thicker head of hair relatively free from knots and splits is wonderful.

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