
Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Person That Sold Me Juicer Saved My Life

Although I have only been juicing for a few week, I can already tell the difference in my health. Normally I am a big skeptic when it comes to nutritional trends. Normally I purchase an appliance, and find out it is easier to use a knife. I have yet to pay more than $$20 for an appliance. My hand blender is called a ballon whip, if you really want to understand how low tech I am. Even the cheapest juicer cost about $100, so I was prepared to do without them. Now that I have a juicer that fits into my lifestyle, I can see paying more than $20 for this appliance.
The best juicer to purchase is a masticating juicer because it provides the most available vitamin content. A masticating juicer is great at juicing leafy greens, it is quiet, but slow. The second best juicer is a centrifugal juicer because the fast speed of the juicer can destroy some enzymes by aerating the juice. The great thing about a centrifugal machine is that it is quick. Most juicers are made in China, and most of my old appliances are made in America. So I decided to purchase the only juicer still made in America.

One day I will own an American made masticating juicer, but while doing my normal yard sale shopping I came across a juicer for sale. It was a brand I hadn't heard of because it was discontinued.  A 'Made in China', Singer, centrifugal juicer, and the owner asked for $7. Seven dollars isn't a lot of money in and of itself, but appliances at yard sales often don't work, have  key missing parts, and are discontinued items (hard to find replacement parts). He assured me the only reason he was selling the juicer was because of the extensive clean up, so I purchased my second juicer (My first juicer was a Jack La Laine, that was gifted to me by my ex, it only juiced carrots a few times then quit on me. I didn't have the heart to tell the ex it broke).

My new recycled singer juicer is about the size of a toaster, half the size of the Jack la Laine. The clean up is much easier, and it has less moving parts. Cleaning up a juicer is still a time consuming project, so do consider it prior to purchasing a juicer. Singer produces sweeter carrot juice and higher yield than Jack did. Most Importantly Singer makes 2 cups of juice every morning; one week later she is still singing. This juicer is pretty quiet for a centrifugal juicer.

My Singer juicer is far from perfect, there are slivers of carrot in the pulp. The pulp still taste good, and is useful for salads, therefore it doesn't extract all the juice. Sometimes the Singer struggles with lemon peels, and I wouldn't dare try leafy vegetables. I don't know if I will put celery in there because of the string. This juicer does well with carrots, onion, cucumbers, and any other hard vegetable or fruit. It would probably do very well with garlic, apples or pineapple. Be prepared to make a fruit salad with the pulp.

That is my review, so why do I say that the person that sold me a juicer saved my life? In one week of juicing carrots, onions and lemons, I feel better. My skin is getting clearer. I have more energy, and I feel cleaner. For the last year I have been drinking smoothies, teas, and improving my diet, but results with one week of juice is amazing. All my research left out the most important fact about a juicer, just get a juicer that you will use. They are all good.

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