
The Wild Ones Fake It

Hair is beautiful, but does it have to be- your hair? Perhaps the good lord provided some yak with the ability to bless you in a time of need. Just think of it, somewhere on a hair farm is a cute little yak sweltering in the heat, begging for a trim.  Simultaneously, bless your newly bald soul, the two of you can help one another. Just pay for the trim, and the hair is yours. This is supply and demand at its finest. So maybe the hair comes from a house, chemical, or person. The concept of supply and demand with mutual benefit is still in affect. Mind you I am not referring to long-term dependence on some one else's growth; that can exasperate a problem. If you are bald like I was, you need to be able to actively treat your scalp. If you have traction alopecia, take a break from tightly pulled styles. Baldness can be treated. It is a condition prone to sudden observation, requiring temporary camouflage. In the short term, while one is determining how to treat baldness cover-up the facts. The wild ones are not ashamed to fake it. 

Perhaps you are more of a garden inspired raw foods meet the barbarian type. Trust me, there will never come a better excuse to try something wild, than going bald. Very few individuals realize the power of a well-placed scarf. Guys can always wear a baseball hat, but why not go vintage and put on a sweatband or bandana. Ladies can use a nice silk hair tie. This can be a fun divergence when needed. Focus on creating a unique daring look you have always wanted to try. Ever wanted to be a fiery red head? What about finding out if blondes have more fun? This is your excuse to live a little.  Besides, it is best to learn how to fake it while you still have some hair, in case your journey is longer than initially envisioned.
As I wailed on the Internet, seeking hair brain treatments, listening to some of the most outlandish wacko snake oil salesmen out there, I picked up a few scarfs, hats and artful placement of hair techniques.  These items gave me the ability to go out in public making a fashion statement. Several people with a full head of hair complimented me on my style. A little confidence goes a long way. Pick up some camouflage and make your fashion statement. 

My new wild looks varied from a proper British hat for Easter Sunday, to an Earth mother head wrap with brass earrings. On camping trips I was rarely without a baseball cap. Have you ever thought about freeing your inner beatnik with a Parisian tam? In the comments below feel free to let me know how you fake it?

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